السيارات الكهربائية - المركبات غير القياسية التي تعمل بالكهرباء كبديل للبنزين أو الديزل. هذا في الأساس طريقة رائعة للقول إنه يجب شحنها مثل شحن هاتفك أو جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك. لطالما كانت محطات شحن المركبات الكهربائية مرهقة ومربكة إلى حد ما في الاستخدام، ولكن معيارًا جديدًا يُعرف باسم Plug In Charge قد يبسط العملية بشكل كبير قريبًا.
Allows electric car owners to efficiently charge their vehicles in a new era of قابس شحن السيارة الكهربائية by AOTAI . So essentially, it allows the car to speak with charging stations. Thanks to its proprietary tech, drivers don't have to schlep around anything extra or even break out their phone app in order to pay for electric car charging. A lot more convenient and user friendly to charge like this.
It is worth noting that prior to AOTAI EV Plug and Charge, electric-car owners had little option but to register at whatever the various charging stations available were willing or able to offer. At times they asked for a card to be removed, otherwise download an app on their phone. This resulted in a lot of confusion and was very inconvenient for the drivers who were there to charge their vehicle. Now, thanks to activities by EV Plug and Charge one place is all you need with any electric car. They had no use of special card or apps, anymore! Good for electric vehicles, making it easier to drive eco-sustainably.
EV Plug and Charge, whatever the case it is so simple you will be amazed. This is as easy or easier than plugging a phone in to charge. All you have to do is plug in your electric automobile at the charge station, and let the technology handle it form there. The battery also gets cut off from charging further at 100% full. And for electric car owners who are on-the-go a lot but don't want to plug-in all day super charging, سي سي إس 2 المكونات of AOTAI remains perfect. With every convenience afforded to them — they then can plug in their car and be on our with the rest of their day without a care.
كما يستفيد مالكو السيارات الكهربائية ومحطات الشحن من نظام EV Plug and Charge. ثانيًا، يجعل عملية الشحن أكثر بساطة ولا يحتاج إلى بطاقة خاصة أو تطبيق، حسنًا، سأقوم بسد سوء الفهم. حتى مالك السيارة الكهربائية يمكنه توفير الوقت إذا كان في عجلة من أمره. ثالثًا، يساعد أيضًا محطات الشحن من خلال إدارة جزء كبير من عملياتها تلقائيًا مما يوفر عليها تكاليف الصيانة في المقابل. يتيح القضاء على المشكلات الناتجة عن استخدام أنظمة شحن متعددة ليحصل الجميع على تجربة حل أفضل. أخيرًا، يساعد على تحويل المزيد من سائقي السيارات إلى السيارات الكهربائية.
بالإضافة إلى جعل عملية الشحن نفسها أقل صعوبة، يوفر تطبيق EV Plug and Charge أيضًا رؤية داخل السيارة للشواحن المشغولة حاليًا. باختصار، يخبر السائقين بالمكان الذي يمكنهم فيه إعادة تزويد سياراتهم بالوقود في أقصر فترة زمنية. يمكنهم رؤية محطات الشحن التي ستعمل مع طراز سيارتهم المحدد، لذلك لا داعي للحيرة بشأن ما إذا كانت المحطة ستكون متاحة أم لا. هذا محول كهربائي للسيارة سوف يخفف هذا التطبيق من مخاوفهم بشأن البقاء عالقين دون أي تكلفة أثناء وجودهم على الطريق، مما يجعل سفرهم أكثر متعة وخالية من التوتر.
AOTAI INDUSTRY CO., LIMITED was located in one of the pioneering cities of China the city of Shenzhen since 2005. that is a top EV charging company that provides a customer-first solution to power. With 18+ Years of RD expertise and more than Ev plug and charge machines, Our charging solutions for electric vehicles were shipped to over 80 countries and regions across the globe. We have more than 1,000 installations for clients.
The company has in recent times has focused on Ev plug and charge, development, and production of energy efficient products. It has created a new charger for vehicles that is energy efficient. The most recent version of the charging adapter and connector has reached European, American and Japanese standards. The products we sell were shipped to Western Asian countries like Europe and the United States, Southeast Asia and Russia in the last few years. We have earned ourselves an international reputation due to our top-quality products and collaboration.
AOTAI specialises in RD and manufacture of EV Charging Cable, Portable Ev plug and charge, EV charger Adapter, and Connector, which are extensively used in V2L Charging Stations, Home Charging Stations, Fleet Charging Stations, EV Repair Shops, and many more. We are one of the most renowned producers in China. All of our products will be manufactured in strict accordance with ISO and RoHS standards.
The company Ev plug and charge top of the line product testing equipment and specialized testing equipment. The company has signed long-term and stable contracts of cooperation with several domestic electrical companies and complete electrical manufactures. The company's orderly and scientific management model, innovative cooperation ideas, and comprehensive pre-sales after-sales service system are built on a well-organized and scientific business model. We have a sound quality management system and a solid quality control system. quality management in the production process is strictly monitored by our employees at all stages.